When it came to choosing a name for Katey we did not have a name chosen for her until a couple days after she was born, actually! It seemed a huge monumental undertaking for me at the time. She was born on Nana's birthday as luck would have it. Nana said she did not want a child named after her because at the time she said that she didn't like her name. But she said that she liked her confirmation name of Kathryn, so we named our first baby, our baby girl, Kathryn Cordelia Kemble. Some people have said that her name is too big for someone so petite, but I think the name is much to small and simple for someone with such a big personality.
I took me a long time come up with a name for Sammy because we were never sure of when he was going to be born. Some of the names I was thinking of were Paul, Atticus, and oddly enough, Barake. I wanted to do an Indian middle name after the Pottowanamie Indians Kyle descends from; Metea, Mishen, Nozoh. But nothing seemed right. But when my Mom and Dad cmae for the babies birth he was born on my Moms birthday, our anniversary too! When Grandma Sylvia was pregnant with my Mom she had a boy and a girl named picked. If my mother had been a boy her name would have been Morgen. It was very clear to me at that moment to name him Samuel Morgen.
Jack Artur Crispin Kemble
Ever since I was a little girl I have felt a great love and a bond with my Grandpa. He is strong in character and has good heart. So as soon as I knew I was pregnant with a boy I wanted to name him after my Grandpa Jack. I hope that my own little Jack will one day grow to live up to the name he shares with his Great Grandpa. His middle name of Crispin is one that he shares with his Dad and his ancestors back to a family by the last name of Crispin who had adopted a man who began Paul Kemble's line. So we pass it on in rembrance of that families kindness. It wasn't till after Jackie was born that we relized that if Jack had one more name his intials would spell J.A.C.K. So Kyle came up with the name Artur from a hero in a book. And that is the story of Jacks' name.
Almost four years ago while sitting in his German language class, Kyle met Adam and together they found friendship in what they refer to as," the class from hell ", but they are referring to the all idiots in the class, of course. A short time after we became friends with Adam (Dam, far left) and his wife Meredith (Mere, next to Dam) we also started hanging out with Randy(2nd to right) and Kathy(far right). The little girl in the picture is their daughter Adriana and she is between the ages of Jack and Katey. We spent every weekend chatting and playing. Soon though, we had to go our separate ways due to the furthering of our educations. Naturally, we had this grand plan of us going to the same Grad school together. But now the plan has gone afoul because their all together at WSU in Missouri and we are stuck here in Utah, with out our best friends. I shed no ill will towards then, I just hope their all having fun even though we're not there!
This is a video called Superflat Monogram done by a contemporary artist named Takashi Murakami. It is part of his collaboration with Marc Jacobs and Louis Vuitton. Our kids love this video, hope you all enjoy it too (to play the video just left click on the play button in the middle of the video panel).
This summer among a million other things we went to Papa and Nana's for a short time and not nearly long enough. But it was wonderful none the less. We did some swimming, talked into the late night, Katey got to do some fishing, and the boys loved the sand. We also spent an afternoon at Riverfront Park. Hopefully next time we can stay a little longer. It was so fun and heart warming. Thank you for the love.
There are so many sides to my Mister Jack-tack. He loves cook, he sits on the counter so serious and stirs the food, but only when he is told. He also loves trucks, like dump trucks, and buses, more specifically anything that could even look remotely like Optimus prime! He really loves his cell phone that Madisen gave him he calls it his DD phone, but it's MIA right now. Jack is going trough a phase at present where he has to do everything Dad does even looks like Dad. The only thing that he might love more than Dad is silkies. We love you Jack-tack.
For Katey's 6th birthday her Grandma Sherry gave her a puppy. Katey waited very patiently for the puppy to grow big and strong. She and I went up to Washington to get the puppy from Grandma on March 14th. When Katey went into the house she saw Lulu, that's what she named her puppy, and they have been inseparable since. Lulu is a good puppy with all of the kids in the neighborhood. She used to nip them when she got excited but we taught her to give kisses instead. We have taught all sorts of other cool doggy tricks, too. Like to sit up, lay down, and get into the stroller. She loves everyone and wants everyone to her friend. She plays with the neighbor cat, even! She would like to sleep with us at night but Dad says, No! So she sleeps in the kennel at night and she cries and cries, so sad, Lulu. Maybe, someday dad will change his mind. She is the best puppy ever and we love her.
* Our little Katey Bug is also our little thinker. The other day in the car she was singing and for once it was quiet enough to hear her. The lyrics went something like this...
"There once was a mommy who had a little baby and she loved her mommy so...
Then one day there was a big fire and lots and lots of water and the world was a ruined...
The mommy lost her baby and she cried and cried and cried because she missed her, an angel in heaven saw the mommy crying and she felt bad for the mommy and came down and became the mommy's baby. The mommy was happy again.
* A couple years ago, while I was giving Katey a bath, she asked me if there were other worlds besides this one. I replied, "yes". She paused for a few moments and you could almost see the wheels turning in her head then she asked,"Is there only one Jesus?" I said,"Yes..well, I am not sure." Then she asked almost a soon as finished talking,"But what about all of the other worlds?" She was 4 years old when this conversation took place.
* Once, while we were having dinner, Katey and I were having a disagreement. Then she said,"I am going to tell my other mom what you said, and she's not going to like it." Thinking I am very smart I say,"Well you other mother and I are tight, Katey, she's on my side." Then she retorts,"No your not she's married to Heavenly and no one knows her!" Katey was 3, almost 4.
So as many of you may already know I went and tried out for the T.V. show Deal or No Deal, and well, it was a disaster. Kyle and I froze nearly to death but only after I sent Kyle gallivanting all over the country side for photo copy of my driver's license that I found out I didn't need in the first place. That put me out of line by hours only to be invited to cut in line next to a beautiful model who picked over me in the interview because she was prettier than me! But in the end the topping on the cake was my stuff was stolen. I must confess I felt a little like this kitty towards the producer who chose the model whose interview was pretty lame.