One crazy family that is on a spiritual journey has a lot of love for each other.


Say Cheese!

This year for family pictures we went to the Motion Picture studio, Kyle's work,
to do them. It was, well , a disaster! But at the end of the day a couple of the pictures, like this one turned out pretty darn cute.

1 comment:

Kemble Family said...

Wow, what ADORABLE kids you guys have! Thanks for including us on your blog--it's nice to see what's going on with all of you. Enjoy those little ones, they grow up too fast. Also, we'll try your soup recipe-it'll be a good change (I never have a reason to buy buttermilk, so now I do and maybe I can make real buttermilk pancakes or something with the leftovers--or drink it??? like our grandparents always did and said it tasted so good). Anyway, have a great day and thanks for the pics!--Jana